Songwriter, guitarist and composer
I Showed Me
With no cause or a hint of duress I’ve snatched loss from the jaws of success
and then scolded the sky for the lousy old hand I’ve been dealt.
I’ve stood tall in my shoes with no weight to lose
and still seen fit to tighten my belt.
What a shame,
I might now claim a surplus of glee
but I showed me.
Without so much as a glimmer of threat I’ve stared down every good egg I’ve met
in the fear if they helped me at all they’d have favours in hand.
I’ve had plaudits to spare for the words and the hair
and still seen fit to badmouth the band.
Don’t it sting,
I might now live in sin by the sea
but I showed me.
With no risk of a life under thumb I’ve shown full hearts the door and played dumb
to the armour and pedestals measured for no one but me.
I’ve been drunk in a field with the deal done and sealed
and still felt there’s was elsewhere to be.
I recall,
she held out her hand and enquired if I’d join her in dancing beneath the marquee.
And having danced I might now take for granted a home in which
she’d help me up from my knee.
But you can bet your boots
that I showed me.
Written by Del Scott Miller
Mobile: 07988775994
Mobile: 07988775994 | Email Del Scott Miller