Bespoke font specific to Del Scott Miller

Songwriter, guitarist and composer

Songwriter, guitarist and composer

In Water

An amalgamation of a few people and stories encountered while working at a drop-in centre and food bank, ‘In Water’ is the imagined final correspondence from a drug user to the child taken away from her. The title refers to an overheard description by an addict of the sensation imbued by heroin.

You may not know who sent it with so long a rift 

but I’ll beg and I’ll steal and I’ll buy you a gift

in time for your birthday, December the 1st.

That moment transcends this affliction and curse,

for that moment I’m once more a mother and not what they see.

For that moment I’m raised from my knee.

I’ve no light on the faces who took you away.

No names to the signatures nailed down that day,

but I both curse and thank that pen long ago spent

and though it’s no business of mine where you went

you’re still bound by a thread to a mother wherever you wake,

a fabric time nor distance can break.

From the misinformed girl to the woman you hate,

as each kind hand withdrew one more selfish threw bait.

Now as symbols of hollow indulgence and greed

we’re displayed and made known for each terrible deed,

but I’m just one of an audience of mothers the bleak sea possessed.

Never still, never granting us rest.

I’ll continue to stand where the sand’s never still

and one day the tide surely must best my will,

but in water no law shaped by man is imposed

and the brine soon breaks down all their columns and rows.

So, if only one thing, recall this of your mother; the price had been paid

and drowning was only ever delayed.

Written by Del Scott Miller


© Del Scott Miller
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