Bespoke font specific to Del Scott Miller

Songwriter, guitarist and composer

Songwriter, guitarist and composer

Repeat myself

‘Repeat Myself’ is about the council estate on which I was raised, and watching the lives of friends consumed by combinations of apathy, hopelessness, low expectation and the substance abuse that all too often accompanies those.

The unfilled hours, the points never made, blessings counted on one thumb.

Honey sours having never found a worthy tongue.

The half raised towers, the abandoned grade, the minute's distance left to run.

Sunless flowers, summer's chorus left unsung.

Failure teaches but one thing; pass the baton while you can.

Idle powers, seeds in the shade, defining fabric left unspun.

A contender cowers having thrown a fight he could have won.

Words ran out so I repeat myself.

Written by Del Scott Miller


© Del Scott Miller
Website designed by Phil Ruston Design & I.T.
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© Del Scott Miller | Website designed by Phil Ruston Design & I.T.