Songwriter, guitarist and composer
You’re Here Now
Well, you’re here now,
so let’s try to make the very best of what may be an underwhelming do.
You’re here now,
so cut whatever capers you can find inside those ill-considered shoes.
Throw some talc around the floor if you must, but know the score;
you’ll need a broom
cos, there’s no rousing chorus hiding here among the gloom,
but you’re here now.
You’re here now,
leave those sneers and suppositions neatly labelled on the far side of the door.
You’re here now,
and skipping backwards to the early stuff is
immediately deemed an act of war.
As discs like this one go,
I’m sure that just the one rotation’s on the cards
and it’s highly unlikely to excite your self regard,
but you’re here now.
Written by Del Scott Miller
Mobile: 07988775994
Mobile: 07988775994 | Email Del Scott Miller